2023年10月10日 星期二

2023.10.10 facebook 免費英文版網頁遊戲 new rock city 維基百科說是必須跟恐龍對打ㄉ戰爭和農場混合遊戲 因為兩個遊戲帳戶 ms帳戶和 yahoo帳戶已經打到65級ㄌ 所以留到最後打完facebook免費英文版網頁遊戲 所有ㄉ建造城市類   商店類   種土地類   裝扮類   英文對應字類   ㄉ所有facebook遊戲任務後再打 所以facebook剩下17個遊戲       這個網頁遊戲也是玩到100級或最頂級我就不玩ㄌ


New Rock City Wiki | Fandom

Welcome to the New Rock City Wiki!

New Rock City is a city building simulation game found on Facebook. The game was opened to play on Feb. 6, 2014. Set in a prehistoric city destroyed by an unknown lizardy enemy, your job is to restore the town and make it flourish. You have a series of quests to set you on your way to becoming the best cave-mayor you can be. There are items to craft, buildings to build, land to clear, resources to gather, animals to tend and much more. All while fending off the attacks of your adversary, who will send giant lizards and pterodactyls to disrupt your progress. Like all social games, no city can be built alone. You need the help of your friends to get needed crafting items and that all important gift of more energy. Gather your friends and begin building a new cave society!

